Sunday, 9 June 2013

21st Century Technology Here Now! A DNA Mouth Swab Test Designed for the Fitness Industry!

Are you struggling to achieve your results? Perhaps your training has plateaued and you are looking for some answers? Or do you suspect that there might be something else going on but you just can't quite put your finger on it? In the 21st Century with huge steps in scientific advances, it's quite possible now to be able to put your finger on exactly what may be holding you back. It could be as simple as in your genes. Every person born is unique from one another, including identical twins. Our uniqueness is underpinned by our genes - they influence everything from our height, eye colour, whether we are lean or muscular to our susceptibility to illness and disease. In addition, our genes determine our body's response to the food we eat, the physical activity we conduct and the lifestyle choices we make such as whether to smoke or drink alcohol etc and therefore they can have a pronounced influence on our health. A common misconception is that our "inherited genes" determine our fate in life. Research has shown that this is not true at all. It is true that you can't change your inherited genes and yes you can blame your parents for your inherited genetic make up. But what you can do is maximise your genetic potential and compensate for any genetic defects that you may have by smart exercise, smart nutritional choices, smart recovery techniques and smart detoxification strategies, but how do you do this without firstly knowing your genetic make up? We'll answer this shortly, but before we do, let's have a quick science lesson. Genes, what are they? The majority of the 60 trillion cells in our bodies contain all of our genetic information. In essence, the information is a code, or a set of instructions to govern the development, functioning and maintenance of our bodies a bit like letters combined from the alphabet to make words and sentences. Genetic information is made up of a very large molecule called DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid).Everyone except those who've lived under a rock would be familiar with this term given the success of the CSI television series. DNA lives in the nucleus of the bodies of the trillions of cells and is identical in every single cell. Each cell has 46 molecules of DNA packaged in structures called chromosomes with each chromosome containing many sub-units called genes. Genes what is their function? Although each cell contains a full complement of DNA, cells use genes selectively. For example, some genes enable cells to manufacture enzymes needed for basic bodily functions, while other genes play a role in the development of the human embryo and then are shut down for ever. Genetic Variations how do they arise? A healthy body is dependent on the continuous interplay of thousands of proteins, acting in just the right amount and in the right places and each properly functioning protein is the product of an intact gene. There is very little variation in the DNA sequence between one human to another, however it's this small variation that dictates the many differences that exist from person to person, including a person's hair colour, height and weight etc. Genetic variations can be either inherited from our parents or they can be acquired. A hereditary variant is a mistake that is present in virtually all body cells and is copied every time the body cells divide. An acquired variant is as a result of changes in the DNA that develop throughout a person's life. They can be by-products of environmental stresses, such as radiation, smoking and other toxins. How do variants affect our health? Some variants in our DNA have harmless effects while others have harmful effects and are called mutations. They cause disease because changes in the genes instructions alter the functions of important proteins that are needed for health. Some genes have what is known as a latent variation. That is the change in the gene only becomes apparent under certain conditions, with both negative and positive effects. Our genes and their relation to exercise and nutrition Research has shown that gene variants can result in many potential health problems if not recognised and then compensated for by altering diet, lifestyle choices and what exercise we undertake on a regular basis. The good news is that if you know your genetic profile and what gene variants you have you are armed with a very powerful tool for maximising your health potential. You can now make informed lifestyle choices that best suit your specific gene profile and advances in biomedical science now mean that it is now possible to determine an individual's genetic profile using a simple mouth swab genetic test. You can now move away from the "one size fits all" mentality of interventions to tailor made strategies based in part on your genetic variations. Genes and their relation to exercise There are many genes that affect our response to exercise, e.g. athletes tend to be good at either power or endurance events not both and this is due in part to their specific genetic make up. Research has also shown that exercise can also influence the function of our genes e.g. the rate at which they turn on and off, thereby changing the rate at which certain proteins are released into our bodies. Nutrition and the effects on our genes Even though exercise plays a large impact on how our genes function, nutrition plays a critical role both when we are sedentary and when we engage in exercise. There is a fundamental relationship between our genetics and the nutrition we require for daily health and well being. Our genes contain the instructions that our body's require to make us physically who we are and it is the nutrients in our diet such as B vitamins and amino acids which help our genes carry out these instructions. For example, nutrients we consume can change the way a particular gene is expressed i.e. turned on and off. Some food ingredients can either accelerate or slow down the action of particular genes causing the genes to produce proteins in greater or smaller amounts and thereby influencing how the body functions. In addition to this, nutrient deficiencies lead to DNA damage and a reduced ability for our bodies to repair damage. For example, people who are folic acid deficient have much higher rates of DNA damage and hence an increased risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer than those with correct levels. Fortunately, research by the CSIRO has shown that increasing the amount of folic acid and Vitamin B12 using bran cereals or cereals fortified with these vitamins can actually slow the rate of chromosome damage in healthy adults. Damage to our DNA can also occur by unstable molecules called, "Free Radicals" and extensive research now exists that shows antioxidants such as Vitamins A, C & E found in fruits and vegetables can prevent or reduce free radical damage. The fact that nutrition has a powerful effect on the way our genes function and rate and extent of DNA damage in our bodies is proven beyond any doubt. Researchers are now using our genetic data to determine personalised, scientifically based strategies for meeting our nutritional needs for fitness and health in general. So where to from here? Ok, enough science, what can you do and how can it help you answer your burning question, how can I achieve my results using this technology? Excelgene, a Sydney based company has devised a genetic test that examines 15 genes specifically relating to body fat metabolism, lean muscle development, nutrition, recovery and detoxification. The test looks for variations in the genes tested for and based on your goals, current fitness levels, and your genetic results, specific interventions can be put in place by either yourself or your Gene Qualified Personal Trainer directly relating to exercise, nutrition, recovery and detoxification. For example, one such gene tested for is called "ACE" (Angiotensine Converting Enzyme) and is involved in the narrowing of blood vessels, which can affect tissue growth and is associated with the onset of insulin resistance and blood pressure. A negative variation can lead to an overproduction of the ACE gene, resulting in unregulated narrowing of your blood vessels, causing high blood pressure and heart disease. If you are one of the unlucky people who are currently taking blood pressure medication, then chances are your particular brand is interfering with the ACE gene allowing your blood vessels to dilate and lower your blood pressure. (Commonly referred to in pharmaceutical terms as an ACE inhibitor) Armed with this information, you can now make crucial decisions specifically relating to your training, nutritional and recovery programs. For example, you could monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis. Your trainer could closely monitor any increments in your periodisation, with both interventions specifically designed to monitor and control your blood pressure given your susceptibility to it being overly high due to your gene variation. That's just one example of how knowing your genetic make up could assist both you and/or your trainer in designing a tailor made regime of strength, cardio, flexibility, nutritional and recovery programs, all with your specific goals in mind. 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The Mantra of Fitness For the 21st Century

The mantra for the 21st century among us all is that of fitness. We all want to be concerned with being fit and not fat. Fitness is the new age of being and fits nicely with our yearning for health and leisure pursuits. This may have stemmed not just from health concerns but also from our pursuit of vanity. We don't want fat and cellulite. That in itself would be a good aim. But this does not mean we are aiming for fitness. Society is so committed to fitness and health that even children are being told to watch what they eat. Weighing scales have become an important instrument! Yet, simply losing weight does not mean that we are destined to become fit. So what is it with fitness that is so important? Well fitness equates to being healthy but to others simply being slim is being fit. Being slim is a good target but this does not mean we are truly fit. Fitness is difficult to define. We need to look at the whole picture and not just the close up views of parts of the whole. Fat people are often unfit almost by definition. But thin people can also be significantly unfit. Fitness is not just being able to do a cardio exercise for an hour or being strong and flexible. Nor is it to do with anything related to being slim and physically attractive. Fitness may encompass these qualities but does not become defined by them. We need to have all those characteristics in equilibrium - strength and flexibility; power and endurance; lean-ness and posture. Partner Us Investment Strategy Car Insurance Online Auto Insurance Company

Using Social Media to Increase Gym Leads and Member Retention

Health Clubs Enter the 21st Century with Social Media Marketing and Social Networking for Weight Loss Your health club offers numerous benefits to your clients, from workout equipment to personal trainers and everything in between. However, chances are good that your club is not as successful as it might be, nor are you doing everything that you can to help your clients enjoy the best possible health and fitness. One of the best ways to change this situation is to make use of social media marketing with your own online social networking site for diet and weight loss. Cut the Cost of Ads Marketing is one of the costliest things for your health club. However, with an online social networking site for diet and weight loss, you can actually encourage your members to spread the word on your behalf. That immediately cuts the cost of your marketing by a substantial amount. Increasing Viable Leads For most health clubs, attracting real leads can be difficult. However, with the power of social media marketing and a custom social networking site, you can enjoy a dramatic boost here. Your prospects will be delivered to an incredible site, and encouraged to join free of charge. You'll enjoy substantial traffic right away. It's All about Community Facilitating a sense of community is what online social networking is all about. You can build a sense of community with your users and enjoy a 40% increase in member retention. When you provide your clients with tools unavailable to them elsewhere, they're more likely to stay with your club. Increase Hours, Not Costs Another advantage to having a social network for diet, weight loss and better fitness for your health club is that you'll be able to offer longer service hours, without actually increasing the cost to your club. You can market your club at all hours of the day or night, without doing anything more than you do now. More Value Equals More Clients Having your own online social networking site also allows you to provide more value to your clients. The right site will provide them with more than 50 powerful tools to encourage weight loss, better health and higher fitness levels. Referral Rate Increases Because your users will be able to invite their friends and family to join your club, you'll see a 25% increase in your referral rates. That equates to dramatically better success at no additional cost to you. Your Clients Already Do It 95% of your clients already use social networking in their daily lives. Having your own social networking site for weight loss and diet encourages them to socialize and interact within your community and capitalizes on their ingrained habits. Share Ideas, Communicate Better With your own social networking site, you can encourage your clients to take an active role in improving the club. You can easily find information and encourage better communication, as well as foster a sense of ownership in your club members, all at no additional cost. Boost Brand Recognition and Goodwill Social media marketing offers superior exposure and can help increase goodwill, as well. You'll find that there is simply no better way to generate more awareness for your club and reap the rewards of that awareness. Operates Itself Finally, you'll find that running your own online social networking site for diet and weight loss requires no management - it runs itself. It's also immensely low cost and simple to implement. Partner Us Investment Strategy Car Insurance Online Auto Insurance Company

Health Promotions - How to Lose Weight Without Going to the Gym

Health Clubs Enter the 21st Century with Social Media Marketing and Social Networking for Weight Loss Your health club offers numerous benefits to your clients, from workout equipment to personal trainers and everything in between. However, chances are good that your club is not as successful as it might be, nor are you doing everything that you can to help your clients enjoy the best possible health and fitness. One of the best ways to change this situation is to make use of social media marketing with your own online social networking site for diet and weight loss. Cut the Cost of Ads Marketing is one of the costliest things for your health club. However, with an online social networking site for diet and weight loss, you can actually encourage your members to spread the word on your behalf. That immediately cuts the cost of your marketing by a substantial amount. Increasing Viable Leads For most health clubs, attracting real leads can be difficult. However, with the power of social media marketing and a custom social networking site, you can enjoy a dramatic boost here. Your prospects will be delivered to an incredible site, and encouraged to join free of charge. You'll enjoy substantial traffic right away. It's All about Community Facilitating a sense of community is what online social networking is all about. You can build a sense of community with your users and enjoy a 40% increase in member retention. When you provide your clients with tools unavailable to them elsewhere, they're more likely to stay with your club. Increase Hours, Not Costs Another advantage to having a social network for diet, weight loss and better fitness for your health club is that you'll be able to offer longer service hours, without actually increasing the cost to your club. You can market your club at all hours of the day or night, without doing anything more than you do now. More Value Equals More Clients Having your own online social networking site also allows you to provide more value to your clients. The right site will provide them with more than 50 powerful tools to encourage weight loss, better health and higher fitness levels. Referral Rate Increases Because your users will be able to invite their friends and family to join your club, you'll see a 25% increase in your referral rates. That equates to dramatically better success at no additional cost to you. Your Clients Already Do It 95% of your clients already use social networking in their daily lives. Having your own social networking site for weight loss and diet encourages them to socialize and interact within your community and capitalizes on their ingrained habits. Share Ideas, Communicate Better With your own social networking site, you can encourage your clients to take an active role in improving the club. You can easily find information and encourage better communication, as well as foster a sense of ownership in your club members, all at no additional cost. Boost Brand Recognition and Goodwill Social media marketing offers superior exposure and can help increase goodwill, as well. You'll find that there is simply no better way to generate more awareness for your club and reap the rewards of that awareness. Operates Itself Finally, you'll find that running your own online social networking site for diet and weight loss requires no management - it runs itself. It's also immensely low cost and simple to implement. Partner Us Investment Strategy Car Insurance Online Auto Insurance Company

Supplementing Our Health In The 21st Century

Health and well-being supplements come in many guises and have been around a long time. Over the last 50 years tremendous strides have been made in every aspect of the supplement industry; marketing, packaging, production have all moved and evolved at a very fast rate. Our appetite for products has grown so much the financial experts predict that the wellness market is going to be the next trillion dollar industry. The trend now is for products that incorporate health and well-being with anti-aging components. We still want the health and fitness thing, but people are now aware more than ever of the visible signs of aging. Modern technology encourages us to embrace the concept of physical longevity, even perfection and questioning the moral and ethical issues surrounding this subject won't change its public appeal. The demand for products to help us achieve this will just increase, especially as we become an aging society. We want to be fit, healthy, live longer and look good in today's society. This is not an unreasonable desire and so we will go to great lengths to achieve it. Over the years we've seen a lot of changes to products, making them much easier for us to use and consume. Chelated tablets and soft gel capsules for instance were a major breakthrough. At one time tablets became overly large and seemed to get stuck in the throat no matter how much water you drank. Tablets that could be chewed instead of swallowed were a big improvement, especially for the junior market. As we move further into the 21st century technology will come up with many new and exciting ways of balancing conventional supplements. New plants are being discovered all the time some of which have been used for centuries by people such as American Indians or tribes living deep in the Amazon jungle. Some cultures in the Far East and Asia have long been aware of the health giving properties in plants and roots that were previously unknown to us. By drawing on this knowledge and using modern technology to harvest and reproduce these plants we will be able to make them available to a wider population. Though supplements are consumed by swallowing, it is how the nutrients are delivered to the system that is important. If nutrients are consumed naturally then the body takes time to digest the food and release of the nutrients is slow. With tablets the release of the nutrients is very fast, so the body is unable to absorb them before they are wasted. Gel capsules have improved on this by making the body dissolve the gel casing before the nutrients are released. Once the gel has dissolved however, they are released just as quickly. Now a revolutionary method of delivery has hit the market and will change the face of the wellness industry. The latest method is called "suspension gel technology". The nutrients are suspended in gel packets very similar to the energy gel pack that is used by athletes. Now you have a true slow release system where the body can absorb a greater amount of the goodness we are trying to give it. This is a brilliant concept, easy to use and ideally suited to life in the 21st century. The gel packs are small, can be transported easily and can be taken anywhere at any time. A good example of one of these products is the exotic blend of fruit from plant extracts. The gel pack contains a single measure of blended rare and exotic fruits that act as antioxidants. These will help slow the aging process, help mobility, co-ordination, memory, vision, skin and hair. So for prolonging healthy life these are a must. Taste is very important, so gel packs are designed to tickle the taste buds with distinctive flavors. Just tear off the top and drink it down. It certainly beats standing in the bathroom with a load of bottles and a glass of water. Pills have been around for such a long time that it is hard to imagine that their days may be numbered but suspension gel technology might just be the concept that sees them off. As the world changes and traditional foods supplies dry up, it is possible that supplements will play a much bigger part in our diet. As technology advances, it will find better and better ways to deliver nutrients into our bodies. With all these benefits we should be able to live longer, stay healthier and look younger. Partner Us Investment Strategy Car Insurance Online Auto Insurance Company

Health, Weight Loss And Fitness Related Tips

Times have changed. Urban lifestyle in the 21st century is turning people's lives upside down because they don't know how to live a balanced life. With an unending diet of pizzas, hot dogs and burgers, coupled together with stress filled workplaces and irregular sleeping hours, it's no wonder most urban people in the 21st century are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. In order for the average person to stay on top, they must equip themselves with the necessary skills to stay ahead of the fitness race. After all, what is the point of earning all the money in the world if you don't have the health to spend it on? A person who truly wishes to live a balanced life have to take these four factors into consideration: - Eating healthy food. That means, cutting down on salt, sugar, oil, preservatives and fatty substances. - Sleeping well. There is this myth going around that says a person should sleep 8 hours a day regardless on when you place those 8 hours. That is wrong. If you don't sleep consistently, your metabolic clock will turn topsy-turvy. You will even gain weight because your body is not properly rested. - Exercise. If you never exercise well, you are going to get into trouble. What goes in must come out. Do not think that if you want to lose weight, all you got to do is eat less... it will be even unhealthier if you lose muscle instead of fat. - Stay healthy mentally. It is very important to watch your mental health. For example: a positive and optimistic person who believes how wonderful the world is will always outlast the pessimist who thinks that the world is going to end. These are just a few examples, but the most important aspect of keeping healthy is to mentally convince yourself of its importance, otherwise, you will easily revert back to your old ways in no time. Partner Us Investment Strategy Car Insurance Online Auto Insurance Company

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Health and Fitness With Body Building Success

The 21st century has led to many developments and innovations that allow us incredible power of choice and customization. I think a lot of us would agree that due to this type of racing lifestyle one can easily forgo tried and true methods in favor of dubious or even ineffective methods because of popular trends and, even just plain unavailability resultant of popular demand (only popular products are well stocked allowing to be priced well). One of the popular and essential areas of our life is Health and Fitness. Now look, I'm not a biassed pitcher for Arnold Schwarzenegger's Fan club, but there's a good reason why Arnold was successful as a back-to-back Mr.Universe winner. This is a little trade secret too, passed down from my Father who was an astute body builder. I'd like to share these facts as I feel they have made a very significant difference to my diet, health and training abilities: 1. Listen to your body Really, if you don't understand what it is telling you it is because you probably don't know enough about the body and foods. Get more informed about the basics, no magazines proper bona fide reading. 2. Understand that the body requires a certain amount of substances to operate at NORMAL, not PEAK. When not provided to the body it will manufacture it out of other things or the body itself to get it. This takes energy and ties up body processes to do this. PROTEIN is important for re-building the body, also called regeneration. Understand which foods have decent amounts of protein. Eat enough of them. VITAMINS and MINERALS are extremely hard to get unless you really like eating a lot of vegetables, but the best source is legumes. Look out for recipes that have cooked legumes, there are a lot of different types and the variations of cooking will satisfy even the queen. 3. The body is a system, not a linear machine. 4. FORM of exercise is of importance greater than what exercise is being done. ALWAYS have the correct form, this is why personal trainers get so much business, because they exercise correctly. Partner Us Health and Fitness Computers and Technology Adventure Travel Music and Entertainment Leadership Improvement Financial stability Forex Forum News and Social Lifestyle Health Care information Health Insurance Plan car insurance online Personal Care Product Real Estate sites 21st Century Home improvement Contractors House Payday Loan Medical Health Insurance Bad Credit Personal Loans Wedding Ideas Finance Company 21st century toys Trusted Health Care Products Health Insurance Plan car insurance online Personal Care Product

Friday, 24 May 2013

Creating Health and Fitness Goals Year Round

You don't have to wait until New Year's Day to implement resolutions to improve your health and fitness. Regardless of the month or day, you can take action now to achieve your health and fitness goals. Here are some tips to get you started: * Select one area to work on: Many people make the mistake of trying to make himself or herself into a new person overnight. It's unreasonable to expect yourself to, at the snap of a finger, change habits that you have spent years cultivating. Instead, select one health and fitness area to work on. * Select a specific goal: Saying that you "want to lose weight" or "get in shape" is too vague. You need to come up with a concrete goal in order to measure your progress and celebrate your success. * Select a realistic goal: If you've been a sugar junkie for 20 years, you can't expect to go cold turkey overnight. You may be able to cut sugar out for a few days or even a few weeks, but you won't be able to keep it up for the rest of your life. * Opt for incremental change: In the sugar scenario, outline a series of steps you can take over time to achieve your goal. The first step might be to switch from regular soda to sugar-free soda. After successfully doing that for a month, tackle the next step - maybe a switch from regular to sugar-free ice cream, or restricting desserts to weekends only. Incorporating small changes over time dramatically increases the chance that you'll make it a permanent lifestyle change. * Get some support: In a society that supersizes everything, it's never easy to stick with your health and fitness goals. Enlist the help of a friend, family member, or co-worker - someone who will help you stay with the program. If your goal is to go to the gym three times a week, for example, knowing that your friend is waiting there for you might be just the incentive you need to make sure you follow through. For extra motivation, put a dollar in a jar every time you go to the gym, then treat yourself to something special at the end of each month. * Celebrate your success: We're quick to beat ourselves up when we don't reach our health and fitness goals, but we rarely celebrate our successes. When you've achieved one of your goals, give yourself a pat on the back. Treat yourself to a massage, a new pair of shoes, or a night out with your friends. Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Health and Beauty Website and Majon's Health and Beauty directory. Article Source:

Give Importance to Health and Fitness and Get Success in Life

In the recent decade the importance of health and fitness has been increased to a greater extent. In today's era physical health is of utmost importance. Reducing those extra kilos helps you look better and the good news is you do not need to just rely on doctors or medicines in order to get your desired looks. Here I would like to comment that gaining the perfect health or in other words reducing weight is not an easy task. But once you have done that you surely cherish as well as show off your physical health. We can make out the importance of health and fitness with the increase of spas, health clubs, fitness equipments, exercise programs, nutritional supplements, etc in today's day to day life. These facilities provide fitness to not only men's health but also to women's health. The demands of these facilities are increased as everyone wants to be fit and participate actively in chosen day to day activities. Also today's generation looks forward for an active lifestyle once they retire. Here I would like to comment that good health is a result of constant efforts and it takes years to get that desired health and fitness. It's really dumb if you try to repair the damage after it's done. Also when it comes to health and fitness the most common question asked is how can one tighten or tone muscles. Now the muscles can either be of hands or legs or stomach. Here I would like to comment that in order to reduce some muscles one needs to tone the muscles of entire body. You can never reduce or tone muscles of one specific body part. One needs to do some cardiovascular activities in order to reduce or burn those extra fats. Now the question is what is a cardiovascular activity? Jumping rope, jogging, swimming, walking, step aerobics, etc. all these are cardiovascular activities. Always remember never start a cardiovascular activity as a standalone as you also need some strength training exercises. The strength training exercises helps you to tone as well as build muscle mass for your concerned areas. Also there is a common reason given by people when asked why they aren't working out. And the reason is that they don't have enough time to do so. Here the only thing one needs to understand is that the day you give health and fitness priority in your daily schedule you will yourself find time for it. We need to understand that you will not have to invest large time in order to get huge rewards for your health and fitness. You just need to give several hours each week and you can see the results. You just need to find out an effective as well as efficient work out plan. Any exercise that you think best suites your schedule you can do that. Hope I inspire you to work out at least an hour a day. Article Source:

Friday, 17 May 2013

Mental Health Maintenance Is Made Simple

Your mental health is often drastically improved when you use the techniques Dr. Kuhn teaches in this article. When you are able to experience this improvement, your relationships blossom, career paths open, and people find you attractive and accessible. You deserve to have fun and joy in your life - and Cliff Kuhn, M.D. will help you do that. In the classic Frank Capra film, It's a Wonderful Life, George Bailey's mental health is overwhelmed by the difficulties of his life and he wishes he'd never been born. George's guardian angel grants his wish and takes him to a grim reality as it would've been without him. George feels nothing when he reaches into his coat pocket to retrieve the flower his daughter, Zuzu, placed there - and that's when George knows that his wish has come true...he's never been born. Wishing she had never been born, Roberta became my patient, seeking desperately to improve her mental health. Like the fictional George Bailey character, Roberta's depression and anxiety had grown so strong as to threaten her ability to lead any semblance of a normal life. Fortunately for Roberta, she soon discovered exactly why the natural medicine of humor is one of the most powerful adjunctive treatments for improving mental health, because humor literally pours water on the fire of depression and anxiety. Roberta is not alone. As many as 35% of all Americans suffer from depression and anxiety, the twins that make mental health elusive for millions. Your depression and anxiety is exacerbated by your seriousness - taking yourself too seriously. As we move into adulthood, we unfortunately buy into the notion that responsible and productive people must be "serious." As we make the biggest mistake of our lives and relegate our humor nature and fun to recreational activities (if we experience fun at all), we doom ourselves to all the symptoms of the corresponding seriousness that fills the void - declining health, rising stress, increased pain, lessened energy, impaired creativity, and more. The good news for your mental health, however, is that we know how to shrink your deadly seriousness to practically nothing and reduce almost completely the sway it holds over your health, vitality, wellness, and zest. The natural medicine of humor is an incredibly powerful resource that you already possess; you've only forgotten how to use it to maximum effectiveness. You will soon discover that, while not a panacea, the natural medicine of humor is a tremendous tonic for depression or anxiety and will also supercharge other treatments because it is an amazing adjunctive medicine too! I have distilled the natural medicine of humor, through my years of medical practice, into an amazing prescription I call The Fun Factor. Based on what I learned over twenty years ago from a terminally ill fifteen-year-old patient, I created a unique set of principles I call the Fun Commandments, then forged these Commandments into my Fun Factor prescription and have been prescribing The Fun Factor with great success for years. This report will show you how to use just three of my Fun Commandments to turn your mental health around, and gain new joy, pleasure, and appreciation from your life! Improve Your Mental Health Using My Fun Factor Prescription Step One: Always Go the Extra Smile The first Fun Commandment I recommend for improved mental health is: Always Go the Extra Smile. This Commandment is doubly helpfully for depression and anxiety because not only does it provide measurable emotional and physical relief, but it also is completely under your control - regardless of your circumstances. Because smiling remains totally under your control, it can be your greatest resource for using humor's natural medicine to accelerate your mental health. Smiling produces measurable physical benefits you can experience immediately: your stress decreases, your immunity improves, your pain and frustration tolerances increase, and your creativity soars. And guess what? You experience all these benefits even if your smile is "fake." That's right...forcing a smile onto your face perks up your immune system and lightens your mood just as readily as a genuine smile. Fake a smile and you'll soon feel well enough to wear a real one! This is great news for your proactive stance on sustainable mental health. You have an amazing amount of pre-emptive control over your mood - you can, literally, choose more energy and happiness. The key for your use of this Fun Commandment in enhancing your mental health is to start practicing right now, so that smiling becomes an entrenched, habitual method of accessing the natural medicine of humor. If you wait to smile until your mental health has taken a turn for the worse, and depression or anxiety has taken hold of you, it will not be as effective. Step Two: Act and Interact Smiling leads us right into the second Fun Commandment you'll find instrumental in maintaining your mental health: Act and Interact. Humor's natural medicine works best when we are sharing ourselves and this Commandment will teach you how to capitalize on the control you've taken over your physiology and mood by smiling. Acting and interacting is now easier for you to do because you're smiling more. Not only is your mood improved, but your smile is also a pleasant invitation to other people. My suggestion is that you solidify the power of this Commandment by setting a reasonable goal regarding the number of people you will interact with each day. These social interactions are great for your mental health, forcing you to exchange information and ideas with another person. Combined with your commitment to smiling, your interactions should be pleasant, because your heightened energy, lessened pain, and lowered stress levels are very attractive to others. Beyond keeping you out of isolation, there is another reason why acting and interacting with the people you encounter fosters improved mental health. It allows you to avoid spiritual "flat tires." Spiritual flat tires occur when you sidestep, or avoid, an interaction that is about to happen naturally - you duck into an office to avoid encountering someone in a hallway or you don't answer the phone because you don't want to talk to the person calling. This type of avoidance drains and deletes your reservoir of powerful natural energy and siphons your mental health reserves. Have you ever noticed that it usually takes you twice as much mental and physical energy to avoid doing a job than you would have expended just doing it? It also takes twice the energy to avoid acting and interacting with the people who cross your path because you are, in effect, saying, "I'm going to correct the mistake that nature made by putting this person in my path and I'm going to correct it by being mentally and spiritually negligent." Mental and spiritual negligence have the same effect as physical negligence (isn't it strange how you get tired if you don't exercise?). If your mental health can afford to allow this much energy to be drained, then you have a much bigger reservoir than I! But spiritual flat tires do more than drain our energy, they are detrimental in at least two additional ways: We miss out on an interaction with a teacher. If nature didn't have a lesson for you, that person you just avoided would not have been placed in your path. You say that the person you just avoided was a negative influence or would've wasted your time? I know we have legitimate schedules to keep, but if I am avoiding people based on my prejudgment of them, I'm cutting myself off from my greatest teachers - those very same people. We all learn tolerance from the intolerant, patience from the impatient, temperance from the intemperate, gentleness from the ruffian, etc. I am supremely grateful for those teachers and the lessons they give me. We create a small, nagging spiritual void of dishonesty, the kind of dishonesty that keeps us from laying our heads down with complete peace of mind each night. Our spiritual flat tire is caused by the pothole our avoidance created; it is a natural consequence, or symptom, of our spiritual dishonesty. These consequences clutter our lives with mental and emotional baggage that further drains us of our energy and vitality. Step Three: Celebrate Everything The third Fun Commandment which will help you use the natural medicine of humor to charge up your mental health is: Celebrate Everything. Celebrating everything may sound like a monumental task to someone who's mental health isn't up to par, but you will find this part of my doctor's orders much easier to fulfill once you start practicing my first two Commandments. In fact, celebrating everything is more than a maintenance step providing sustainable mental health. It will also become your lifestyle, the more you practice it, because you will enjoy the results so much. How do you celebrate everything and how will this keep your mental health on the upswing? The epitome of this Commandment is found in the old joke about the boy who wanted a pony for his birthday. Instead, he found a room full of manure waiting for him. But he dove right into the dung, gleefully exclaiming, "With all this manure, there's got to be a pony in here somewhere!" Laugh as we might, we're quick to remember that, as adults, we would never allow ourselves such "naive" enthusiasm. Why not? Do you realize what is behind such a "grown up," "mature" decision? Your deadly seriousness (taking yourself too seriously) encourages the attitude that a mature adult should not let herself be so optimistic and thus mental health is jeopardized. We could do more than chuckle at this birthday boy's unabashed optimism - we should emulate it! When was the last time you encountered an unexpected pile of manure in your life? You had absolutely no control over the mess, right? But you had absolute control over your reaction to it and this is the key to using celebration to keep your mental health improved! When you celebrate everything, the natural medicine of humor creates spiritual, emotional, and mental health like nothing you've felt before. You will find that your fears become much less controlling when you are celebrating everything because it no longer matters so much how things turn out. In fact, you are literally ready for anything because you are prepared to find the blessing in whatever happens. My daughter-in-law, for example, broke her back last year. My son, who is often my model for the embodiment of my Fun Commandments, can tick off a laundry list of blessings his family has received as a direct result of his wife's "tragedy." Not that his mental health hasn't been challenged, but faced with the choice of depression and anxiety over an event he couldn't control versus finding the blessings waiting for him, he has chosen the latter. The choice to celebrate everything is not a panacea; my son's choice did not change the reality of his wife's injury. What did change, however, was his ability to respond to the injury and, thus, keep his mental health on an even keel. Celebrating everything changes our lives because it allows us to positively control the only things we have control over - our actions, ideas, and attitudes. There you have it. Start by going the extra smile, use your newfound smiling energy and vitality to act and interact with people, and celebrate everything to maintain your positive momentum. Say good-bye to imprisonment from depression and anxiety and welcome to your new world of improved mental health! Start Using The Fun Factor to Improve Your Mental Health...Right Now Here are some simple, easy steps you can take right now to turbo-charge your mental health. Subscribe to my Fun Times newsletter. The Fun Times is all about using your natural power of humor to increase the quality of your life - including your mental health. The Fun Times is 100% free, and is delivered instantly, every week, to your email inbox. If you sign up now, I'll also throw in a copy of my "Stop Your Seriousness" Ecourse and my book, Ten Ways You Can Be Happier...Right Now! which will show you how you can use my Fun Factor prescription in your life to increase your mental health!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living is a choice most people take the luxury of for granted. Deciding to start living healthy depends largely on the person and the choices they make in their lifetime. When a person does decide to start living a healthy lifestyle, this will include many of different factors, criteria, and action. Some of the more common actions a person can take to getting on the path to becoming healthy are as follows- Diet- As we all know, eating healthy, natural, organic foods is paramount in achieving healthiness. A persons' diet contributes to a number of factors within our bodies. Eating nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, whole wheat, and other types of healthy and natural foods all energize our bodies and minds. By feeding our bodies natural foods, the nourishment absorbed into our body's are as follow- natural antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals; all of which are needed and highly recommended to eat to sustain a healthy life. Exercise- By getting into the regular routine of exercising along with an eating natural healthy diet, a person would have a better chance at further ensuring a healthier life than those that do not eat right and exercise. As there are many different types of exercise, most people who do exercise on a regular basis typically go t a gym or they buy exercise equipment. Some of the more popular pieces of exercise equipment a person can find at the gym or available for purchase are as follows - treadmills, stair climbers, elliptical, exercise bikes, rowing machines, weight benches, dumb bells, all in one exercise machines, punching bags, and various other exercising equipment and accessories. Staying Active- As diet and regular exercise are crucial in living healthy, staying active is another very important aspect of maintaining a well-rounded healthy life style. Staying busy is a broad topic to speak of as everyone is different and everyone has different past times or hobbies. Some examples of keeping busy to stay healthy are as follows- Walk to the store instead of driving, go golfing, take a nice brisk walk, go for a jog, play fetch with your dog, joining and playing on a sports team, go for a hike, skiing or snowboarding, paintball, riding a bike, rollerblading, skateboarding, along with many other types of things to keep a person active and healthy along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, Mental wellness for Quality Of Life- Living a complete healthy lifestyle involves the mind, body, and spirit. In order for your body to work properly, the mind needs to work properly just the same. Eating natural healthy foods, exercising regularly, and staying active, will all help by contributing to a harmonious and healthy lifestyle across the proverbial board. Mental wellness is best described by having a clear and healthy mindset, of which, includes a number of criteria and factors. Some of these factors are as follows- keeping low stress levels, brain training by reading and learning, and simply being around positive people. Moreover, eating healthy, regular exercise while using different types of exercise equipment, along with staying active is perhaps the best formula for any person interested in living a genuine healthy lifestyle.

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